Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Birthdays and bonding

This week, we celebrated three birthdays!  It was Mikolaj's 19th on Monday, Miriam's 21st on Wednesday, and David's 22nd on Thursday.  Some of the volunteers (about ten of us) got together on Wednesday night near the square to celebrate; we went out to eat and hung out for a few hours afterwards at a local pub. 

This evening reinforced one of the things that I cherish most about my trip: the people.  My host family, my host brothers' friends, and all my fellow volunteers have all been amazing people.  Whether we are traveling around Poland, going to parties, or just talking, the people I have encountered have been so unbelievably friendly and inviting.  I have rarely felt uncomfortable or out-of-place, even though I am living thousands of miles away from my home.